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Essence Good Practice Document Series Updated, 2016

From the text:


The Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) Framework outlined here has been developed to improve harmonization among funders of research capacity strengthening (RCS). Its use should make it easier for recipients of funding to fulfil the PM&E obligations of different funders and facilitate synergy, division of labour and sharing of knowledge among funders. (p.4)

About ESSENCE and this good practice document

ESSENCE on Health Research is an initiative of funding agencies to improve the coordination and harmonization of research capacity investments. ESSENCE members embrace the principles of donor harmonization and country alignment expressed in the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and in the 2008 Accra Agenda for Action. According to these principles, donors align and harmonize their activities and procedures with the priorities of the countries in which they work.

To achieve this goal, ESSENCE members agreed to jointly develop and produce good practice documents that would incorporate current knowledge and best practices on health research and development issues. The first good practice document, called 'Planning, monitoring and evaluation framework for capacity strengthening in health research', was published in 2011. The second good practice document, called 'Five keys to improving research costing in low- and middle-income countries', was published in 2012. The third good practice document, called “Seven principles for strengthening research capacity in low- and middle-income coun- tries: simple ideas in a complex world”, was published in 2014. This document is the revision of the 2011 document and incorporates the up-to-date literate review and feedback from the users of the original version. ESSENCE funders jointly contributed their experiences of evaluation of research capacity strengthening. Although the ESSENCE group is currently health focused, we hope that this document has wider reach and can be used across all research fields. (p.2)

For non-commercial and academic uses only, this publication may be copied and redistributed provided suitable credit and reference is given to ESSENCE on Health Research as the original source of publication.


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